Microservices is a hot topic. There is a plethora of opinions, conference talks and blog posts about microservices. I started doing microservices myself three-and-a-half years ago, when I was designing a system for an insurance company. Since then I have done many talks on the topic, published articles and presented training courses. Usually, I ask my attendees if they have […]
The day after I will present a full day training course on microservices in Rome, I will do a talk at CodeMotion Milano on the same subject. See more: milan2016.codemotionworld.com
In September 2016 I will do the closing keynote for SwanseaCon in Swansea, Wales. Although my talk will evaluate agile after twenty years, InfoQ interviewed me preceeding the conference on one of my other favorite topis, microservices. Here’s the answers to InfoQ’s questions. InfoQ: What are the biggest problems that organizations have with monolithic software products? Monolithical systems, written in […]
For the fourth (or fifth, I don’t remember) year in a row I will do a talk at the TI Conference Days at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp, Belgium. Switching subject this year from agile to microservices and continuous delivery. TI Conference Days: http://www.tievents.be/conferencedays/ And here’s my slidedeck: Microservices. Stairway to heaven or highway to hell from Sander […]
Delivered the closing talk on a smaller event in my home town De Meern on the rising topic of continuous delivery (and microservices), organised by Superp. Superp: http://www.superp.nl/nieuws/the-road-to-success-continuous-delivery/