Smart Use Case Conference (Utrecht, Netherlands. May 2008)

On May 28th, Capgemini organizes a free conference on the topic of smart use cases at Capgemini’s Conference Building in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Smart use cases represent a far more structured and equal-granular technique for modeling requirements than “regular” use cases do, based on Alistair Cockburn’s model of levels of use cases. In this model smart use cases comprise the sea and fish level use cases. Smart use cases are therefore smaller, and all have more or less the same size (comparable to that of user stories, those being far less structured than smart use cases).

Smart use cases as unit of work

Smart use cases are a good (small) unit of work in projects, and especially work well in agile projects. Associated is a clear and pragmatic estimation techniques, called smart estimation. During the conference on May 28th, these subjects are well discussed, not only by Capgemini speakers, but also by speakers from end user organizations that rely on smart use cases. Over 150 delegates have already registered.

More info on smart use cases can be found at:

Registration for the smart use case conference: