- Observer pattern implemented in .NET 4.0 base class libraries through IObservable interface. http://htxt.it/Ugwe #
- Finally done preparing slides for tomorrow's 3 lectures at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Many subjects. Software development overview #
- Now using IntenseDebate's comments system on my blog. Looks great! See for example http://htxt.it/IycZ #
- Not sure why, but if I email my status to HelloTxt via mobile phone, it seems to vanish into thin air. Highly unreliable like this. #
- Collecting material again for my book on smart use cases – already gathered around 48.000 words. In comparison, my #UML book has 140.000. #
- Scheringa and DSB feature South Park. http://htxt.it/fofm #
- Experimenting with TweetMeme plugin for WordPress. #
- RT @aahoogendoorn October 19. “Do’s and don’t in implementing and applying extension methods” http://bit.ly/16a0HT >> Testing TweetMeme. #
- Why is Google always cooler than everybody else? Check out Google Maps cloud based navigation for Android phones. .. http://htxt.it/l/Dbiv2j #
- Arrived at the Capgemini offices really early. Got lots to do today. #
- Starting to prepare tonight's workshop for our (distributed) agile software factory. Tonight's subject: code generation with #Tobago. #
- Re-installed MyMobiler. Still a nice little tool for emulating Windows Mobile on my laptop. http://htxt.it/mNzI #
- Check out animated GIF on left side of CareerEvent site. Not sure what this guy is doing. Looks like a totally dif.. http://htxt.it/l/67vIrk #
- Preparing slide deck for tonight's training on standardizing application architecture, applying patterns, incl. Descriptor, Manager-Provider #
- In doubt. Go to #PDC (17-19 nov) in LA? Must be in NL19th 14:00 for seminar. Can only attend half of conference. Flight leaves 16:20. Ideas? #
- Having a severe framework train of thoughts. If I only had time… #
- Celebrating today being together with Babette for 20 years! October 30, 1989. #
- Generate yourself a rock star name. http://htxt.it/p0Xk #
- Ok, we're definitively not a rural society anymore. My 4-year-old really believes milk is made in a factory. #
- #MusicForDevelopers. Black IP's. (following RonK). #
- Anybody know how to shorten my Twitter name without losing my history? #
- Preparing for 3 lectures I will do tomorrow at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam on software estimation, software architecture, testing. #
- Added YammerFox to FireFox, next to Echofon (aka TwitterFox). And indeed, YammerFox looks like an old version of Echofon. Please update! #
- Just finished my slides for tomorrow's lectures at the Vrije Universiteit. Topics: software estimation, architecture, patterns, frameworks. #