My books
Here's an overview of the books I've written, covering agile, Scrum, Smart, smart use cases, UML, domain driven design, development tools, and many other topics:
- This Is Agile. Dymaxicon, 2014.
- Das Kleine Agile Buch. Pearson Business, 2013.
- Dit Is Agile. Pearson, 2013.
- Pragmatisch Modelleren Met UML. Pearson Education, 2004.
- Smart. Succesvol samenwerken in systeemontwikkeling. Van Gorcum, 2003.
- Webtoolgids 2000. Array Publications, 2000.
I’ve also made (minor) contributions to a number of other people’s books:
- Agile across borders - Glaudia Califano & David Spinks. Apress 2021.
- Tips from the agile trenches - Yves Hanoulle. LeanPub 2020. Article.
- Around the World with 80 Software Testers - Viv Richards. LeanPub, 2020. Article.
- Successful Project Sponsorship – Michiel van der Molen. Kogan Page, 2015. Reviewer.
- The CORA Model – Theo Elzinga, Joost van der Vlies, Leon Smiers. 2010? Chapter.
- Architectuur moet bijdragen – Charles Hendriks, J. Arno Oosterhaven. Sdu, 2009. Chapter.
- Presentatietips uit de praktijk – Rick van der Lans. R20, 2007. Reviewer.
- Applicatieontwikkeling onder architectuur – Peter Bernhard e.a. Ten Hagen & Stam, 2002. Paragraph.
- Partnerpublicaties – Sander Hoogendoorn e.a. Ordina, 2001. Chapter.