Hundreds of training courses

I have presented hundreds of training courses over the past two decades, both public and in-house, on a wide variety of subjects, such as agile, Scrum, Kanban, Smart, software architecture, object orientation, design patterns, agile requirements, modeling, UML, smart use cases, code, .NET and agile testing.

For a full list of my upcoming courses and workshops, see courses and workshops.

My current courses

Here’s an overview of my current training courses.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like to invite me to present one of these or custom courses. Please email me at:

On a regular basis, I have run open training courses on a variety of subjects, such as an introduction to agile, Scrum and Kanban and continuous delivery, an overview of microservices, or a two workshop on pragmatic modeling using UML and smart use cases. Read more:


I’ve enjoy having trained people in many, many clients, such as ABN-AMRO, Adept Events, AFM, Agentschap NL, ANVA, Array Seminars, Avans Hogeschool, Avisi, BannerConnect, Barco, Bartosz, Belastingdienst, Capgemini, Capgemini Belgium, CCS, Centric, CHS, Cito, CMG, Coas, Covadis, Conclusion, Corus Research Development & Technology, Delta Lloyd, DFZ, DMH Global, DUO, EuroTransplant, Flora Holland, Formido, Fortis ASR, Furore, Gasunie, Get There, Hogeschool Windesheim, Hogeschool Amsterdam, Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen, Hogeschool InHolland, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Hogeschool Utrecht, ING, ING Belgium, Integer, IT Works, Kadaster, KBC, Klaverblad Verzekeringen, KPN, Kramp, Managementboek, Luxoft Russia, Meyn Food Processing Technology, Melexis, Motozoom, MMSO, Nationale Nederlanden, Nederlandse Spoorwegen, Norfolkline, NTS, Oikocredit, Ordina, Ordina Belgium, PAM Summit, PGGM, Philips Medical, Planon, Politie Amstelland, Quby, Rabobank, Reaal, RISK Verzekeringen, SG|automatisering, Sigma Ukraine, SD Worx, SDU, Senternovem, Technology Transfer, TVH, Polytechnische Universiteit Karkhov, Universiteit Gent, Universiteit Maastricht, Vlaamse Landmaatschappij, Vrije Universiteit, Wageningen University, Wigo4IT.