Further recommended reading
Over the years there’s quite a number of books I have recommended to audiences at keynotes, talks and training courses. Quite often people have asked me for a list of recommended reading. It’s about time that I create this list and put it on my website. So here it is – in an unordered list.
Agile software development
Robert Martin
Uncle Bob’s book that contains e.g. the SOLID principles. A must read.
Erich Gamma e.a.
The bible for software developers describing a set of design patterns that should be in every developer's head.
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
By Martin Fowler
Great book on patterns for developing applications.
Jez Humble & Dave Farley
This is THE book on continuous delivery. Look no further.
Eric Evans
The patterns in this book describe the paradigm of domain driven design, crucial for any enterprise software developer.
Writing effective use cases
Alistair Cockburn
Best book (next to my own UML book) on writing use cases, not on modeling use cases though.
Robert Martin
Best book on how to write better code.
Design Guidelines
Krzysztof Cwalina & Brad Abrams
This is a hidden gem, and one of my personal favorites on writing code. The book discusses the development en evolution of the .NET framework and contains many of the deliberations the engineers had.
This Is
Sander Hoogendoorn
I don’t mean to brag by this is the best overview on agile, Scrum, extreme programming, Kanban.
Extreme Programming
Kent Beck
This is the original book on extreme programming, by far the most influential agile approach. Contains many agile best practices that are common in nowadays projects, but that originated here, and not in Scrum (such as stories).