Many organizations turn towards agile to escape failing traditional software development. Due to this increase in popularity, many newcomers enter the field. Without the necessary real-life experience but proudly waving certificates from two days of training.
During a challenging talk I did at the CodeMotion conference in Madrid, in October 2013, I tried to show what happens to projects that are coached by ill-experienced coaches, and how to move around anti-patterns as Scrumdamentalism, Dogmatic Agile, Bob-the-Builder, Agile Hippies, Kindergarten Agile and Scrumman. Basically the message is: don’t be dogmatic, and assemble the agile approach that suits your project.
The slides!
A lot of people asked me about the slide deck, so here it is. Please note that I did a shorter version of the talk (which is basically 90 minutes of material) at CodeMotion. However I thought I’d made the whole thing available here.
Last but not least, thanks for all the great feedback guys, a short summary:
- @daviddezglez No doubt. Yesterday @aahoogendoorn ‘s talk was the best #codemotion #es. True agilism. We have to use the thinks that works (not to be cool).
- @Codekai @aahoogendoorn You killed it yesterday! Great talk.
- @daviddiazgismer @aahoogendoorn awesome presentation today, kudos! and the interesting discussion afterwards…
- @aitorTheRed @aahoogendoorn #codemotion #es only way it can be improved, would be for you to play the guitar while giving the speech.
- @gfcalderon @aahoogendoorn Best talk of the day, everything is clearer now, thanks so much.
- @sbgermanm @aahoogendoorn also great fun attending it. Great talk, thanks #codemotion.
- @manuelcr Great talk of @aahoogendoorn about agile in #codemotion #es
- @RellikCC @aahoogendoorn Really cool talk, very enjoyable.
- @wnohang Great talk on #agile by @aahoogendoorn at #codemotion #es. Let’s do do some code!
- @gogomca Excellent talk about “Agile Antipatterns” by @aahoogendoorn un #codemotion. First one that I really enjoy.
- @odracirnumira Great speech of @aahoogendoorn at @codemotion_es . Agile antipatterns.
- @RellikCC Hey @aahoogendoorn, my friend @kaseyo23 is really angry because he missed your talk, what can I do about it?