Capgemini BAS, Faustlaan, Apeldoorn.
With Capgemini BAS joining Capgemini in 2009, some new initiatiaves in model driven development opened up, more particularly, hoping I’ve interpreted it correctly, based on naterual language. I discussed this initiative in June with Freek Bosch, manager of the unit where this natueral langauge based approach originated.
During the same inspriing conversation I illustrated the pragmaitc model driven development approach in our Accelerated Delivery Platform (ADP). Immediately Freek invited me to present our approach during one of his unit’s meetings. Unfortunately my agenda left little room until now. So I will drive to Apeldoorn in the morning, and discuss our approach during a one-and-a-half hour lunch meeting.
Think I will talk about the following subjects tomorrow:
- Brief introduction of the Accelerated Delivery Platform.
- Our agile requirements approach.
- Modeling smart use cases.
- Domain driven design – including value objects, enumerations, smart references, repositories and services.
- Our appoahc to pragmatic model driven development, as used by a growing number of organizations.
- How our code generator Tobgao MDA works – including templates and Tobago’s DSL.
- And of course, last but not least – a demo. Buliding a fully working ASP.NET multi-layered web application.