One of the boys. Women in technology

Suffers from writers block! Have to finish my column for the @SDNMagazine “Women in Technology” issue. @mariannerd Still struggling with the subject? I handed in my "regular" column – not dealing with WIT. When’s the final deadline? @aahoogendoorn I woke up this morning with an idea. deadline was 13/4, for columns it’s a bit easier. so Friday has to do. […]

Trojan rigidity. Agile anti-patterns (I)

One of the characteristics of most traditional – linear, waterfall – styled organizations is the extremely rigid execution of their software development projects . “Our handbook says we need to fill in this form, so that’s what we do guys.” People is these projects live by the blind assumption that whoever invented or wrote down their software development process knew […]

So much to write, so little time

It’s too bad there’s only 24 hours in a day. There are so many ideas in my head that I still have to write down, that I have to make a (short) list now to keep my head from exploding. So here it is: White paper on how to do agile SAP projects using smart use cases. Article on applying […]

Bite the bullet

Mensen die mij al langer kennen, weten het inmiddels. Ik heb wel iets met presenteren. Al zolang ik het me kan herinneren. In mijn lossy geheugen staan in elk geval presentaties gegrift die tenminste dateren van twee decennia, drie werkgevers en zo’n tweehonderd klanten geleden. En ook toen al vond ik het leuk om te presenteren. Zo nu en dan […]

Seattle in January

  And still I am in Seattle. Well, Redmond to be more specific. Seattle is not a bad city. It’s not colder than the Netherlands now, and the buildings are a bit higher. Had a walk on the waterfront in the evening. Took some pictures.